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Grade 11 Scholarships 2024-25

The following Monthly Composite Fee Scholarships will be available to students enrolling for grade XI for the session 2024-25.​

All students securing an admission on scholarships receive a further 50% Scholarship on Admission fee (Rs 25000)

On the basis of NWS Scholarship Test Results:

On the basis of Competitive Examinations cleared:

The Scholarship Test will last for 2hours and have the following components:


Common for all: A test for Abstract Reasoning, Numeric Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning. (60 minutes)


For different subject streams:

PCM Students: Maths and Science Test (60 minutes)

PCB Students: Science and English Test (60 minutes)


Commerce Students: English, Maths and Economics Test (60 minutes)


Humanities with Maths: SST and Maths Test (60 minutes)

Humanities without Mathematics: SST and English Test (60 minutes)



Students eligible for 110% Scholarship will get 100% Monthly Fee Scholarship and a voucher of 10% of the yearly fee to spend on books/stationary they will need during their studies. 

Students are required to furnish their application along with attested proof to the school. A photocopy of the following documents is required at the time of submission of the registration form:


  • Date of Birth certificate from Municipal Authority.

  • Proof of Address.

  • Parents’ educational qualification (highest).

  • Progress Report for the previous three years (wherever applicable).

  • Certificates received in co-curricular activities.

Students eligible for Composite School Fee (Monthly Fee) Scholarships based on Scholarship Test results will need to maintain over 80% marks in Class 11 to be eligible for the Scholarship in Class 12.


In case a student is eligible for more than one Scholarship, the higher of the two Scholarships will be applicable.


Board results_NWS 2022-04.png

Contact Us for more information:

School Visit

All families considering admission to NWS are strongly encouraged to visit the School. These can be booked online or through the Front Desk.

A typical visit consists of a talk with a member of the admission staff, a tour of the campus with a teacher or wing head, and a family conference at which the staff member answers questions about the School, to convey a sense of how NWS will fit into their school search.

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Enrollment Process

Step 1: Get a NWS prospectus and application package either from the School or apply online. 

Step 2: Schedule a test and personal interview with the Admissions Board. 

Step 3: If admission is granted, submit fees and required documents at the specified date.


Nehru World School Ghaziabad Classroom
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