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Education beyond letters & numerals

Do you agree with us when we say that education is more encompassing than letters and numerals?


Literacy and numeracy are big markers of learning and thus, education. We believe that education is ‘holistic’ in nature, it is all encompassing where personal skills and values are built upon alongside academics.

This pandemic has reminded us that our children will be living in a world that we can’t envisage today, and the most important thing we can do is equip them with resilience, diligence and empathy. Developing of these personal skills can happen only in a safe, caring and trusting environment where the students feel loved and celebrated for being themselves.


At NWS, we understand that we’re teaching 1800+ individuals and not simply a class of 30. Our unique personalised learning plan helps our students to discern their potential by not only succeeding in academics but also by becoming caring, thoughtful, principled and well-balanced human beings. 


Consecutively across years, we have delivered the best CBSE Grade 12 Results in Uttar Pradesh. In addition to this, we continually empower our students to participate in enriching national and international events. 


We place emphasis on every aspect of student growth and development, while meeting NEP requirements. Appropriate student-teacher ratio and highly trained, qualified, and internationally certified teachers allow us to offer a safe, caring and inclusive educational environment with an international edge. After all, we are raising global citizens!


Would you like to know how you could give your child the best education beyond letters and numerals? Reach out by email with any questions or make an enquiry through our website.

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