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Investiture Ceremony 2019-20

Nurturing students to be the future leaders, deserving young talents of NWS, Ghaziabad were bestowed with the responsibility of leading their School from the front with their commitment, confidence and competence. The Investiture Ceremony took place on 25th April 2019, which marked the inaugural of the junior and senior student council for the academic session 2019-20.

The prestigious ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr. Arunabh Singh (Director, NWS) and Ms. Susan Holmes (Head Teacher, NWS). The event was also witnessed by the presence of the parent and grandparents of the office bearers. The young leaders stood upright with their heads held high and their hearts in humility as each picked up their precious position. The Head Boy, Prabuddha Kumar, Head Girl, Gauri Tyagi along with 144 office bearers received their badges.

The newly elected council members took an oath and pledged to work earnestly and keep the School motto of ‘Knowledge, Wisdom and Courage’ in high esteem. They promised to disburse their duties and responsibilities in the most proactive and diligent manner.

Ms. Susan Holmes shared that “Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity”. She also emphasised on the qualities a good leader must possess.

Mr. Arunabh Singh highlighted the values that one must inculcate and encouraged them to perform their duties truly with loyalty, trust and commitment. He also thanked the parents and grandparents for their benign presence.

The event ended on a note of positivity and willingness, with the Council promising to take up challenges that would come their way.

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