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B-League Inter School State Championship at NWS

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Day 3

B-League Inter School State Championship at NWS, Ghaziabad marked its closing on 25th November 2018 fulfilling the School’s mission statement “to help students acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to become happy, healthy, well adjusted, productive citizens of the world.”

The event was organised by NWS, Ghaziabad under the aegis of UPBA and BFI for three days from 23rd November 2018 to 25th November 2018. 12 districts of UP State namely Agra, Kanpur, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Lucknow, Aligarh, Allahabad, Meerut and Ghaziabad participated in the tournament.

Ms. Seema Sharma President UPBA, Mr. Rajiv Agarwal and Mr. Kavinder Chaudhary were the distinguished guests for the day who appreciated the efforts put in by all the participants.

Ms. Seema Sharma President UPBA said that “the players learn a lot from the league tournaments. Not just the game but also skills of team play, collaboration and handling pressure. Such events also make children create memories that will always stay with them.”

The teams which reached the finals in the boys’ pool were Sunbeam, Varanasi and MPS, Meerut. Among the girls’ the finals were played between Cantonment, Agra and Rani Murar Kumari Balika Inter College, Varanasi.

The winning team in the girls’ team was Rani Murar Kumari Balika Inter College, Varanasi and in the boys’ team was Meerut Public School.

A total of 32 teams, both boys and girls under 19, were a part of this event. NWS has two basketball courts of International standards. The School had made an excellent usage of both the courts thereby judiciously managing the time.

Director- NWS, Arunabh Singh, culminated the event by proposing a vote of thanks to the guests and all the participants stating that this event, coupled with the teachers' and students’ experience, puts together the best resources for building the foundational skills that are required for a successful life.

Head Teacher- Susan Holmes stated that “every time the students play the tournament, it is an opportunity for reflection and great learning- what did we do well and where can we improve; what steps will we take to achieve the goals that we set for ourselves.” She also hoped for the prosperity and healthy living of all.

NWS, Ghaziabad pays sincere gratitude to all the guests for their enthusiastic participation and valuable contribution which made this year's B-League a huge success.

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