NWS is committed to creating and maintaining a safe, trusting and caring environment where teaching and learning are exciting and students embark on a life-long journey of learning.’ (NWS Mission Statement)
Greetings to you all from Nehru World School (NWS), Ghaziabad, India. We trust that you, your family and the whole school community are in the best of health and spirits.
NWS has successfully hosted CREÒ, a creative and literary arts festival for 9 years now. We are overwhelmed with the responses for the current year’s participation with 96 schools and 1556 participants thereby building learning opportunities and global awareness amongst unique learning communities.
CREÒ International 2021 includes 30 events in total, some taking place online and some offline for students aged 3 to 17. To list events in the fields of Fine Arts, Public Speaking, Science and Technology, Photography, Literature and Performing Arts giving you a flavour of the wide appeal to many different students. Every participant will be a winner and certificates will be awarded according to the performance criteria.
The first day of the event marked its success with great fervour and we wish that same zeal and enthusiasm is shown on the following days of this international event.
Offline (recorded) Events - 13 August 2021
Online (live) Events - 25 August 2021 to 28 August 2021, Time: 2:00 p.m. IST
For further information or queries, please contact:
Mr Sudhir Rana (Creative Head)
We look forward to meeting with you and students from your school in the online events and receiving your students’ entries for the offline events.